Have Questions?

Check out our FAQ section below, and if you don’t see your answer please reach out to us!

  • There is a maintenance plan to follow and I also offer my APMD whatsapp support group. The whatsapp support group is for anyone that has completed all 4 phases of my cleanse or we worked together 1-1 and they would like to be a part of a whatsapp chat for support and guidance.

  • My 1-1 program is a customized plan. It is altered to meet your specific needs. Throughout my 1-1 program, we will meet once a week to work through your biggest challenges when it comes to food, weight loss & sticking to a healthy plan. Also if you are looking for help with emotional eating or mindful eating we are there to help!

    The 14-day cleanse is with a group usually and we don’t meet individually but we do meet on a group zoom once a week and you do send in your weight once a week for accountability. Also on the 14 day cleanse you are part of a big whatsapp group which is A LOT OF FUN!! :)

  • No, the cleanse is not a juice cleanse. It focuses on detoxifying the body from sugar and processed foods. You'll have a variety of options, including animal proteins like chicken, fish, eggs, and flavorful smoothie recipes. You'll find an array of delicious foods, along with a collection of recipes in my packet and on my Instagram, making your cleanse journey enjoyable and satisfying.

  • Typically, participants lose around 15-25 pounds during the 6-week program, varying based on factors like initial weight, age, and health conditions due to the concept of Bio-individuality. Individual rates of weight loss are influenced by factors such as metabolism and health. Rest assured, consistent weight loss is achievable if there's weight to be lost. For the 14-day cleanse alone, people usually shed 5-10 pounds, with similar factors affecting the outcome. Refer to the previous response for more insights.

  • It is all 3 phases of the 14 day cleanse which is a total of 6 weeks. You save $60 if you pay for all 3 phases upfront. I highly recommend doing this option if you are looking to lose 15-20 pounds and want to commit!

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